Peace is one of those fruits of the Spirit that we can so easily take for granted or even diminish in importance, I think. We talk about World Peace and sing about it, especially at Christmas, but do we embrace and explore its potential on a daily, nitty gritty basis? I know it's something I've glossed over all too often and I'm thankful for God's gentle insistence that I pay attention.
Bob and I are in the midst of being challenged by God to follow Him in obedience in a certain area of our life. There are certainly moments in which I would dearly love to keep things the way they are-comfortable-and not follow Him where He is leading. But every time I begin thinking that way, any peace I have gets up and leaves. So what it comes down to is: obedience=peace. Even when the obedience costs me comfort and ease (two of my favorite things) the peace I experience is worth anything I may have to give up or do.
Is there anything in this world worth more than His peace in my life? I can't think of it, if there is. I would rather have His peace in the midst of heartache, turmoil, and uncertainty, than anything this world or my disobedience can offer.
I was blown away today by the realization that His peace rules in the midst of evil and destruction, too, and that when I am discouraged and disheartened by what goes on around me, I can claim and cling to that peace. I praise Him.
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33