My brother Ken would have turned 40 today.
One night, 3 1/2 years ago, in the blink of an eye, he was gone from us, leaving a gaping hole in our family that we will never be able to fill.
There's been healing, definitely, but sometimes the pain is still so acute I could physically double over. It's only by God's glorious, boundless grace that my parents, Bob and I and our kids, and most of all Ken's wife and girls, have been able to go on without his laugh, crazy sense of humour and tender love.
How I would love to still have him here, so I could make a big deal about his 40th birthday! I'd call him and tease him and somehow let him know I was proud of him and that I love my little brother.
But instead of doing that, I will remember him in a special way today and treasure the memories of so much love and laughter. I will treasure this day with my family and friends, knowing there are no guarantees of more time. I will thank my God for giving me a brother like Ken to love and remember and then praise Him for being our Comforter and Strength. He is good.
Happy Birthday, Ken.
First, thank you so much for your comments on my blog. They always make my day and encourage me :)
But most of all, I am so sorry about your brother and your pain. I understand what you mean about it hitting you when you think you are ok. He sounds like he was a wonderful man and brother. Just remember, you will see him in a blink of an eye.
Ken looks so young and Ang is tiny sitting next to him. Its hard to imagine Ken with so much hair. I miss him too. Who knows what kind of trouble we would have gotten into in the last 3 1/2 years.
Iris, it's amazing to sit back and watch how much you have grown with this pain. You can still see the pain, but in my eyes, your one strong cookie, and I'm sure Ken would agree, keep plugging away!! And now I've caught up on all your bloggs, so keep'em coming!!
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