Wednesday, April 29, 2009

In Everything

I’m back. Sorry for the long periods between posts. No excuses or reasons, other than a busy life and feeling like I had nothing worthwhile to say!

Anyway, I’m nearing the end of another read thru of the Mitford series by Jan Karon. A friend of mine introduced me to the books a few years ago and ever since I’ve been an avid fan. Many times, as I’ve stayed up way too late reading, I’ve asked myself what could be possibly be so riveting about a 60+ priest living alone in a little town that I would have difficulty putting my book down and getting some much needed sleep. But it continues to draw me in and close friends of mine are familiar already with my references to Father Tim and my disclaimer right after that I do indeed know that he is not real. Really. I do know that.

One of the things I appreciate about Karon’s writing is that she so beautifully weaves in the Truth and teaches and inspires the reader without being “preachy”. I have learned a lot from her gentle teaching. This last week I have been encouraged again to be thankful in a new way, after reading a message Father Tim preached in the book “In This Mountain”:

… everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thes. 5:18

“Our obedience to this (1 Thes. 5:18) will say “Father, I don’t know why You’re causing or allowing, this hard thing to happen, but I’m going to give thanks in it because You ask me to. I’m going to trust You to have a purpose for it that I can’t know and may never know. Bottom line-You’re God– and that’s good enough for me.”

In everything. So I’ve been trying it. I keep a journal now in which I record the things I am thankful for each day, including the things I am having trouble understanding and appreciating. Even the things that keep me awake at night, struggling with worry. Anyone reading my journal might scratch their head at some of my entries, but I know why they're there.

There is a submission in the writing and an acknowledgment that I may not understand, but He is faithful and He is worthy of my trust. I may understand some day, or I may not, but as Father Tim said, “You’re God, and that’s good enough for me.”

Father Tim may not be real, but the Truth is.


Andrimitum said...

Thanks for the post.

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

I enjoyed reading your blog tonight....Love it when I have time to do blog hopping...I always enjoy finding new blogs!
This month I am posting on our Disney trip.

Jeanine - The Baking Beauties said...

Hey Iris!
I was just wondering how you're doing. I seem to have lost your email address (I think I had it?) and just wanted to catch up with you. Hope you're doing well, and just too busy to blog. I do miss your blog updates though. :)