Sunday, October 12, 2008

Giving Thanks

It's Thanksgiving here in Canada so I am taking a moment to list some things I don't want to take for granted. Of course, this could never be an exhaustive list, but here goes anyway:

-a beautiful corner of the world to live in
-breathtaking fall colours on the trees that lasted way longer than usual this year
-my friends and family living near by
-a great job with perfect hours and flexibility when I need it
--Bob having his dream job-so clearly a gift from God
-safety in worship and in everyday life
--friendships that you thought had faded away but have now been renewed
-new “blogger” friends that encourage me, teach me, and make me laugh
-strength that could never be your own to do the tasks you've been given
-a cozy, full of personality cat named Dennis curled up beside me
-people who know the real you-but love you anyway
-a husband who so faithfully models Christ's love and sacrifice on a daily basis
-having children with such great senses of humor that you regularly roll with laughter
-seeing growth in those same children as they face life's challenges and pain
-seeing growth in myself (never as much as there should be-but growth all the same)
-the promise that some day soon we will be with Jesus and in a place where there will be no more tears and no more sorrow. I long for that day.

So, with a thankful heart I wish you and yours a very special Thanksgiving .

Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakeable, let us be thankful
and please God by worshipping him with holy fear and awe.
Hebrews 12:28


Susan said...

Thank you for your journal today. It is a blessing to read it and we DO have so many things to be thankful for. May you have a blessed day with your family.

Unknown said...

Wow! You do have lots to be thankful for...we all do.

Sheryl said...

Where have I been? Somehow I missed this one. What a great list of things to be thankful for. We should all stop and count our blessings - Thanksgiving or not! I know I too am grateful for all my blog buddies. Don't know what I would do without the prayers of all of you.

Thanks for sharing,

Lisa Spence said...

Beautiful! Your gratitude inspires my great is our God!