Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Holiday Funk

Anyone else out there in a holiday funk?

That's what I call the laziness/lack of motivation that comes after waaaay too much rich food, disrupted schedules, and the delightful permission to relax once the busyness of Christmas is over.

I love this time of year-no other time has fewer pressures than the week after the celebrations-but it amazes me how sluggish I can become. Ideas of projects I could tackle with the extra time, closets I could organize, etc, flit in and out of my mind, but never really manage to settle for long enough for me to muster up the energy to actually start them. I long for something to do in my boredom, but just can't seem to get down to doing anything worthwhile.

Thank goodness the holiday schedule ends next week! As much as I love the break, I know I am happiest when I have deadlines and responsibilities. So, for now I will enjoy the rest and look forward to the motivation that will come next week.

Not promising anything with the closets though.....

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