Sunday, December 14, 2008

Treasures of the Snow

 No, this post is not about the value of snow. With -30 something windchill factors these days and blizzard warnings, I'm not thinking I'll find many treasures out there!

This post is rather about a beautiful story of forgiveness and it's power in our lives that impacted me greatly when I was a young girl.

Many years ago my Aunt gave me the book Treasures in the Snow by Patricia St. John. I was an avid reader, so I was excited about the gift (not a given for gifts from aunts, but this aunt had a knack for knowing what I would like). Of course, I dove right in, and unknowingly began the journey that would end in my salvation. My parents brought my to Sunday School fairly regularly at this point in my life, but that was the extent of any teaching about faith, so while the seeds had been planted by SS teachers and watered through the prayers of extended family, it was through the reading of this book that for the first time I grasped the offer of forgiveness and salvation. I don’t remember the exact moment or day of my decision, I just remember that it was through the story that I received Jesus into my life and heart.

I have read the book countless times in my youth and even adulthood, and I’ve read it through once to my children. I plan on reading it again this Christmas season to my youngest daughter, since she was very little when I read it to them the first time. It’s a simple story, but full of beautiful relationships and truth, so I look forward to visiting the mountains of Switzerland through it once more.

I am humbled by the impact of a simple gift. My aunt probably has no idea of the influence she had in my life (I must tell her soon), but I am challenged to consider who in my life could use the simple but timeless Truth told to them. I am prompted to consider the value of sharing the Truth with others, not worrying over much about whether or not they will agree or value it right away. I am also prompted to plant seeds and water them through prayer, just like others in my life have done for me.

The story of forgiveness and redemption is ageless. Let’s continue to share it.

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