Friday, January 9, 2009

Time for Montgomery!

I was excited to come across a blog that featured a link to an LM Montgomery reading challenge for the month of January. If you know me, you know I have been greatly impacted by all of her works, especially the Anne books, (to the point of naming my daughter after her and the Emily of the Emily series) and that I've read them countless times. Just a day or two before I found the challenge I had been thinking that I needed to get lost in that world again, so the timing was right!

Follow the link on my sidebar to check it and maybe even join us. There's always room for a kindred spirit!

Oh, I'll be reading the Emily of New Moon Series. I've read that it in many ways resembles Lucy's life, so I find it fascinating just for that alone.

1 comment:

Lisa Spence said...

I read the Emily series for Carrie's challenge as well!