Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Simple Question

I've been mulling over this ever since someone asked Bob and me a seemingly simple question not long ago.

"How can I pray for you?"

Simple, yet it's impact has stayed with me and I have been moved to think of the incredible privilege we have to stand by each other in prayer, as well as the care demonstrated by these simple words.

Being asked those words tells me that the person is asking for more than the usual “How are you? I’m fine” conversation. They want to know what’s weighing heavily on my heart, what is causing me to lie awake at night, or where the enemy is making headway in his attempt to discourage me. Simple words that, somehow, open the door for me to be honest.

The impact of the care and love shown by the question has moved me to consider asking my friends the same question. What unspoken desires and pain are around me every day? What can I take to our Father on my friend’s behalf?

May I have the strength and love to ask the question and to be faithful in my intercession.

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