Thursday, September 25, 2008


God's been faithfully teaching me about peace lately, and I'm thankful.

Peace is one of those fruits of the Spirit that we can so easily take for granted or even diminish in importance, I think. We talk about World Peace and sing about it, especially at Christmas, but do we embrace and explore its potential on a daily, nitty gritty basis? I know it's something I've glossed over all too often and I'm thankful for God's gentle insistence that I pay attention.

Bob and I are in the midst of being challenged by God to follow Him in obedience in a certain area of our life. There are certainly moments in which I would dearly love to keep things the way they are-comfortable-and not follow Him where He is leading. But every time I begin thinking that way, any peace I have gets up and leaves. So what it comes down to is: obedience=peace. Even when the obedience costs me comfort and ease (two of my favorite things) the peace I experience is worth anything I may have to give up or do.

Is there anything in this world worth more than His peace in my life? I can't think of it, if there is. I would rather have His peace in the midst of heartache, turmoil, and uncertainty, than anything this world or my disobedience can offer.

I was blown away today by the realization that His peace rules in the midst of evil and destruction, too, and that when I am discouraged and disheartened by what goes on around me, I can claim and cling to that peace. I praise Him.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33


Andrimitum said...

Amen Baby

Kim in NC said...

Hi there Iris,

Read your spotlight on the Siestas For Him forum. Really great to learn more about you!

Just want to say, you write beautifully, you have a lovely family, and love this post about peace. Isn't it so hard to step out of our comfort zone - even though He will walk with us in anything He asks us to do.

Hope to see you in chat sometime soon!

Take care,

Susan "Hey, stop by often." said...

Your testimony on the Siestas Spotlight w/tender soul & generous heart bring tears... mostly joy, of course, b/c I'm a mom & grandmom, too.

One of our daughters & her husband has two adopted boys from diff. birth moms that the Lord brought to them. Long story short: they were able to be at their 1st son's birth b/c they'd already decided 2 mos. earlier; but, there was only 24 hrs. notice about their 2nd son's birth, & to then make a decision within 48 hrs... he was born on a Sat., needed a judge to sign papers before leaving hospital on Sun.

God is utterly & totally AWESOME in ways we don't even know, but when people tell their stories like you- we get a beautiful glimpse of His Glory! --Susan T.

Unknown said...

One thing I am learning is when you want to stay with the comfortable and not move to where God wants you...He makes the comfortable, uncomfortable.


Susan said...

Enjoy reading your journal. It is hard to leave our comfort zone but we know God walks beside us in the good times and the bad. I just heard something that stuck with me..If we fear it is that our trust in God is not strong enough at that time. I have to keep on telling myself that God is by my side and will never leave me and that he is in complete control...Keep on writing