Thursday, July 24, 2008

Rude awakening

I am soooo tired.
Bob and I were quite tired last night and were both very happy to have the opportunity to go to bed at a decent time-something's that hard to do on most nights. I fell asleep promptly and was as fast asleep as it is possible to be without the help of medication when the neighbour's dog frantically barked right outside our bedroom window. At 2:15 am. Talk about being jolted awake!
Our mama cat has 5 very cute kittens right now (want one?) and they have been spending their time on our deck. This particular dog, who happens to have a taste for kittens, has discovered this and stops by every now and then to visit. Each time he's come he has been chased away, injured (body and pride), by the mama, but for some strange reason he keeps coming back for more.
So last night at 2:15 AM he was loudly escorted off the premises, thereby interupting our blissful sleep. And you know how it is when you get woken up so quickly-you can't sleep again for a while. In our case-not until 3:30. And the alarm goes off at 6. Coffee anyone?
I do have to say though that I respect mama cat for her faithful protection of her babies. Neighbour dog is BIG - part Rotweiler and part German Shepherd. She's one tough cookie to fight him off. She's my hero today.
Now for some coffee.....

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